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Ticket Warrant Roundups Are Like the Old West
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Yeeee Haaawww! It’s a warrant roundup. That’s right. It’s that time of year when police, city marshals, sheriffs and constables in cities, towns and municipalities across Texas round up a posse, climb into their iron stage coaches and hit the asphalt trail to find and arrest anyone with outstanding warrants for traffic tickets.
Video: Statewide Texas warrant roundup - it's a thing
Traffic ticket warrant roundups are still just like the old west. A sheriff's posse will actually come looking for you. They will track you down at your work or home. Warrants are serious business. Pistol-packing deputies will come for you and take you to jail!
What is a “Warrant Roundup?”
This is when cities and jurisdictions devise and implement plans to actively pursue the arrest of everyone who has outstanding warrants for traffic citations. From time to time, usually about two to four times per year, most cities and municipalities across the State of Texas, conduct Warrant Roundups. During the roundup, thousands of people with outstanding ticket warrants are arrested. And, it doesn't matter if you are stopped in one town with warrants in a different town. With outstanding warrants, you are subject to arrest wherever you may be found. Once a year, over 300 law enforcement agencies across Texas conduct the Great Texas Warrant Roundup where all agencies cooperate in a coordinated enforcement event.
Click here for details about the Great Texas Warrant Roundup.
Worse yet, during Warrant Roundups, peace officers will actively search the most common places to locate anyone with outstanding ticket warrants. Most frequently, they show up at your home or place of work to arrest you. Try explaining that to your family, co-workers or boss.
If you think this can’t happen to you, think again! In the 2015 Great Texas Warrant Roundup, the City of Dallas alone cleared 12,000 arrest warrants for unpaid traffic tickets within the three weeks of the roundup. Statewide, over 144,000 arrest warrants were cleared during the roundup. Many times, we’ve posted surety bonds to bail people out of jail who had outstanding warrants, who were arrested during routine traffic stops, at home or at work. Don’t let this happen to you!
List of the 315 agencies participating in the 2015 warrant roundup
Without a Ticket Attorney, Resolving a Warrant Can Be Tough
If you have an outstanding traffic ticket warrant for your arrest, you cannot resolve that warrant unless and until you do one of the following two things: 1) pay the maximum fine amount for the ticket; or 2) post a cash bond in an amount equal to the maximum fine amount plus court costs! Neither of those options is advisable. If you simply pay the ticket, not only are you paying the highest fine possible for that particular ticket, but you are convicted of the charge, which means it will go on your driving record. Posting a cash bond can also be problematic. The amount of the cash bond will be equal to the maximum possible fine for that ticket, plus an additional amount for court costs. The cash necessary for that bond will be several hundred dollars. The Court holds your cash until you resolve your traffic ticket, which could take several months.
Dangerous myths about ticket warrants that could land you in jail
Attorney Todd E. Tkach Can Lift Your Warrant
Let me suggest an alternative. Keep your cash and protect your driving record! For a nominal fee, hire attorney Todd E. Tkach, to post an attorney bond, lift the warrant and go to court to fight for a dismissal of the traffic ticket. The process is very easy and quick. All you have to do is sign a bond form for us to process and file with the court. You don’t even have to go to court, unless you want to. We’ll take care of everything and will promptly notify you of the court result. Just call us at 214-999-0595 to talk with one of our courteous staff members.
Traffic Tickets
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We Serve DFW and Most of Texas
Traffic Ticket and Warrant Attorney
The High Stakes of “Just Paying”
Why You Need a Ticket Attorney
Texas Point System and Surcharges
Ticket Warrants
Dangerous Myths About Warrants
Warrant Roundups Like the Old West
The Great Texas Warrant Roundup
Warrant Roundups: It's a Thing
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