Ponder, TX Traffic Tickets
Ponder Traffic Violation
Get a dismissal or reduced fine by fighting a Ponder traffic violation in court.
If the police gave you a Ponder traffic violation, you must take action quickly. You have only a few days to either pay your Ponder traffic violation or request a court date. Your failure to do so will result in a warrant being issued for your arrest. Let me suggest an alternative. Don’t just pay your traffic violation and don’t just do nothing at all. Instead, call attorney Todd E. Tkach. The attorneys at the Law Office of Todd E. Tkach, P.C. represent people who have received traffic violations in any jurisdiction throughout the Dallas and Fort Worth metroplex. Our goal is to have your Ponder traffic violation dismissed! Our team of attorneys and staff have the experience and skills to aggressively represent you to make sure that your rights are protected.
Call the Law Office of Todd E. Tkach now to talk with one of our courteous staff members, who can explain the Ponder traffic violation process, answer any questions you may have, and ultimately resolve your traffic violation case. With the attorneys of Todd E. Tkach, P.C. on your side, your worries are over. We’ll immediately enter a plea of not guilty on your behalf and set your Ponder traffic violation case for a court hearing. We’ll then promptly notify you of your court date and clearly discuss with you the entire procedure we’ll take to pursue a dismissal of your
Why You Should Fight Your Ponder Traffic Violation
Why is it important to fight your Ponder traffic violation? Simply paying your fine for traffic violation means that you agree that you are “guilty” of the charge. Being convicted of, or found guilty of violation can have serious consequences. There are at least four (4) major reasons to fight a Ponder traffic violation.
First, Fight Your Ponder Traffic Violation To Avoid Paying a Fine
If you are guilty, you must pay a monetary fine. Depending on the Ponder traffic violation involved, the fine could be several hundred dollars. Hiring Todd E. Tkach to fight your Ponder traffic violation could result in a dismissal of the charges. In that event, you don’t have to pay any fine!!
Second, Fight Your Ponder Traffic Violation To Avoid Points On Your Driving Record
The State of Texas has a Point System that affects your right to hold and maintain a Texas driver’s license. You are charged Points against your driving record if you are convicted of certain Ponder traffic violations. The number of Points charged varies depending on the type of traffic violation you are given, but ranges from one (1) to six (6) points. A Texas driver gets 2 points for most traffic violation convictions (3 points if a crash is involved). Points remain on a driver’s record for 3 years. Accumulating points on your driving record can result in huge “surcharges” assessed by the Texas Department of Public Safety and a possible driver’s license suspension. Accumulating twenty-one (21) points in any three (3) year period will result in a suspension of your driver’s license. If that happens, you cannot legally drive an automobile in Texas. Let attorney Todd E. Tkach represent you on your Ponder traffic violations and protect your driver’s license.
Third, Fight Your Ponder Traffic Violation To Avoid Paying Surcharges
Convictions of certain Ponder traffic violations can cost you surcharges imposed by the Texas Department of Public Safety. A yearly $100 surcharge is assessed for 6 Points on your driving record; with another $25 surcharge for each additional point. The surcharge continues to be assessed as long as the Points total 6 or more. Additionally, convictions for “no insurance” and “driving while license invalid” mandate a $750.00 surcharge each! Don’t risk being convicted of these traffic violationsPonder traffic violations and the surcharges that accompany them. If we can’t obtain an outright dismissal, we’ll fight to get a dismissal through plea negotiations and keep the charges off your driving record.
Fourth, fight Your Ponder Traffic Violation To Stop Insurance Rate Increases
Convictions of Ponder traffic violations can raise your automobile insurance rates. Many automobile insurance companies check your driving record before agreeing to insure you or renew your automobile insurance. Having convictions for traffic violations on your driving record can cost you a lot of money. Your automobile insurance company may increase your insurance rates when you apply for new insurance or for a renewal of your existing insurance. Avoid paying increased insurance rates! Call attorney Todd E. Tkach now to protect your driving record.
Ponder Traffic Violations Are Class C Misdemeanors
All Ponder traffic violations, code violations and other municipal citations are “Class C” misdemeanors, according to the laws of the State of Texas. At the Law Office of Todd E. Tkach, we handle all types of Class “C” misdemeanors, as well as all other criminal code violations. All Class C misdemeanors in the State of Texas, including traffic violations, are adjudicated in Municipal Courts and Justice of the Peace Courts. Although these are the lowest level of criminal courts in the State, some Class C misdemeanors can have significant and long-term effects. For example, multiple convictions for disorderly conduct can be enhanced to Class B or Class A misdemeanors, which carry jail time in their range of punishment. A conviction for a charge of Class C assault/family violence can be enhanced and can prohibit you from owning or possessing a firearm. Don’t “go it alone.” The long-term effects can be devastating. Call Todd E. Tkach to fight your Ponder traffic violation and make sure your rights are protected.
Do I Have To Be In Court On the Day of My Ponder Traffic Violation Hearing?
In most cases, it is not necessary for you to be present on the day of your Ponder traffic violation hearing. Although it can help us get a dismissal and/or to negotiate a more favorable plea agreement, your presence is usually not necessary. If you can’t be in court on the day of your hearing either because of prior commitments, work, being out of the state, or you just don’t want to take the time, no problem! Attorney Todd E. Tkach can make the court appearance for you. Even if you’re not there, attorney Todd E. Tkach will fight to have your traffic violation dismissed outright! If we can’t get an outright dismissal, we’ll aggressively negotiate to get the traffic violation dismissed within a few months in the future to keep the citation off your driving record.
Not All Municipal Courts and the Same
Each city, municipality and Justice of the Peace Court throughout the Dallas and Fort Worth metroplex has its’ own unique procedures and fine amounts for traffic violations. The City of Ponder is no exception. Knowing the procedures and guidelines for a Ponder traffic violation is crucial to achieving a favorable outcome. The attorneys at Todd E. Tkach, P.C. know the procedures, the substantive law, the prosecutors and the judges so that we can effectively evaluate your traffic violation case to fight for a dismissal of the charges. Call us now at 214-999-0595 to receive your free consultation.
Traffic Tickets
Our Traffic Ticket Practice Details
We Serve DFW and Most of Texas
Traffic Ticket and Warrant Attorney
The High Stakes of “Just Paying”
Why You Need a Ticket Attorney
Texas Point System and Surcharges
Ticket Warrants
Dangerous Myths About Warrants
Warrant Roundups Like the Old West
The Great Texas Warrant Roundup
Warrant Roundups: It's a Thing
Suspension or Revocation Help
Driver License Suspension Hearing

Our local traffic ticket practice in your community
We serve your community and cover all aspects of traffic ticket cases.
Other Ponder Ticket Pages
- Jurisdiction of the City of Ponder
- Ponder Administrative Driver License Hearing Representation
- Ponder Arrest Warrant
- Ponder Attorney Help for Driver License Suspension
- Ponder DPS Driver License Hearing
- Ponder Driver License Suspension Hearing Attorney
- Ponder Driver License Suspension Hearing Lawyer
- Ponder Driver License Suspension Notification
- Ponder Lawyer Help for Driver License Suspension
- Ponder Municipal Court Warrant
- Ponder Occupational Driver License Attorney
- Ponder Occupational Driver License Information
- Ponder Occupational Driver License Lawyer
- Ponder Occupational Driver License - ODL
- Ponder Speeding Ticket
- Ponder Speeding Ticket Attorney
- Ponder Speeding Ticket Lawyer
- Ponder Suspended Driver License
- Ponder Suspended Driver License and Reinstatement Information
- Ponder Ticket Attorney
- Ponder Ticket Dismissal
- Ponder Ticket Lawyer
- Ponder Ticket Warrant
- Ponder Traffic Attorney
- Ponder Traffic Citation
- Ponder Traffic Lawyer
- Ponder Traffic Ticket
- Ponder Traffic Ticket Attorney
- Ponder Traffic Ticket Lawyer
- Ponder Traffic Violation
- Ponder Traffic Violation Attorney
- Ponder Traffic Violation Lawyer
- Ponder Traffic Warrant
- Ponder Warrant
- Ponder Warrant Lifted
- Ponder Warrant Roundup
- Driving with a Suspended or Revoked Driver License in Ponder
- TxDPS Suspension Notification Ponder Defense Attorney
- TxDPS Suspension Notification Ponder Defense Lawyer

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You need knowledgeable and skilled representation if you get a traffic ticket
Getting a traffic ticket impacts your for years: your driving record, insurance costs and potentially state surcharges. Don't simply pay the ticket. Instead, get a better outcome.