Dallas, TX Traffic Tickets
Dallas Municipal Court Warrants Lifted
You only have a few days from the day you receive a Dallas traffic ticket to take action. You must either pay the ticket or set it for a court hearing. If you don't, a Dallas Municipal Court Warrant will be issued for your arrest.
Whether you simply forgot to take care of a recent traffic ticket before the deadline passed, or you have outstanding Dallas municipal court warrants from months, or even years ago, we can take care of them all. For attorney Todd E. Tkach, Dallas municipal court warrants are no problem! We can post an attorney bond to immediately lift (remove) the Dallas Municipal Court Warrant for your arrest and set your case for a court hearing.
Has a Dallas Municipal Court Warrant for your arrest already been issued? If so, you could be arrested at home, work or during a routine traffic stop and taken to jail. Don't let this happen to you. Call the Law Office of Todd E. Tkach now for your free consultation.
Dangerous myths about ticket warrants that could land you in jail
If you currently have an outstanding Dallas Municipal Court Warrant, you cannot resolve that traffic ticket with the court unless and until you do one of the following; 1) Do nothing and eventually get arrested; 2) pay the maximum fine amount for the ticket, plus warrant and possibly collection fees; 3) post a cash bond in an amount equal to the maximum fine amount plus court costs; or 4) Hire Todd E. Tkach to post an attorney bond to lift the warrant and handle your entire case. If you do nothing, eventually, you will get arrested. If you simply pay the ticket, not only are you paying the highest fine possible for that particular ticket, but you are convicted of the charge, which means it will go on your driving record. Posting a cash bond can also be problematic. The amount of the cash bond will be equal to the maximum possible fine for that ticket, plus an additional amount for court costs. The cash necessary for that bond will be several hundred dollars. Additionally, the Court holds your cash until you resolve your traffic ticket, which could take several months.
Why you need a Dallas municipal court warrant attorney
Let me suggest an alternative. Keep your cash and protect your driving record! For a nominal fee, hire Todd E. Tkach to post an attorney bond, lift the Dallas Municipal Court Warrant and go to court to fight for a dismissal of the traffic ticket.
Types of Dallas municipal court warrants
Generally, there are two types of Dallas municipal court warrants for citations; Alias Warrants and Capias Warrants:
Alias Warrants
Alias Warrants go into effect after you receive a traffic citation if before your appearance date, you fail to either: 1) pay your traffic citation; or 2) request a court hearing. After the Dallas Municipal Court Warrant is issued, if you are stopped, for any reason, you are subject to arrest. Are you in this situation now? Do you have outstanding Alias Warrants? Call attorney Todd E. Tkach now! We can post an attorney bond to lift the Dallas Municipal Court Warrant for your arrest and set your case for hearing. At the hearing, we strive for a dismissal of the charge(s) against you. If a dismissal can’t be obtained, we’ll aggressively negotiate to obtain the best possible result for you.
Capias Warrants
Capias Warrants are issued when you fail to comply with a plea agreement that you entered into regarding a previous citation. It may be that you agreed to pay a certain fine within a certain time and to not get any other traffic citations within a certain time period. Failure to comply with any part of that agreement will result in a Capias Warrant being issued for your arrest. In this situation, it’s probably too late for us to be able to help. You must either pay the fine or remain subject to arrest at any time.
Dallas Municipal Court Warrant Roundups
From time to time, anywhere from two (2) to four (4) times per year, most cities and municipalities in the Dallas and Ft. Worth metroplex conduct warrant roundups. What is a warrant roundup? This is when cities and jurisdictions devise and implement plans to actively pursue the arrest of anyone who has outstanding Warrants for traffic citations. However, some jurisdictions don’t bother with warrant roundups, but rather have a year –round program to actively arrest anyone with outstanding Warrants from that jurisdiction. If you think this can’t happen to you, think again! Many times, we have posted attorney bonds to bail people out of jail who had outstanding Dallas municipal court warrants who were arrested during routine traffic stops, at work or at home. Law enforcement officers do not discriminate when it comes to outstanding Dallas municipal court warrants. They will show up at the homes and/or work places of anyone who has outstanding Dallas municipal court warrants, and arrest them. Don’t let this happen to you!
Additional Information About Warrant Roundups
Getting Yourself Arrested for a Ticket Warrant Is Expensive
Getting arrested on an outstanding warrant for an unpaid ticket is the most expensive way to resolve your traffic ticket! First, you will have to bond yourself out of jails with a cash bond for the full amount owed. Second, you will face the highest amount of the fine, known as the "window rate." Thirdly, you will face additional fees for court costs and the collection expense of arresting you. Fourth, if you were pulled over while driving and arrested, your car might be impounded and you might face towing and impound fees to get your car back. Finally, you could also face significant State of Texas surcharges. Plus, you will loose more money from the resulting time away from work, plus the embarrassment of being arrested. This is the worst and most expensive of all possible outcomes.
If you have one or more outstanding warrants for your arrest for unpaid traffic tickets, there are much more favorable outcomes possible that will cost less and eliminate additional the hassle.
Todd E. Tkach Can Lift Your Warrant
Let me suggest an alternative. Keep your cash and protect your driving record! For a nominal fee, hire attorney Todd E. Tkach, to post an attorney bond, lift the warrant and go to court to fight for a dismissal of the traffic ticket. The process is very easy and quick. All you have to do is sign a bond form for us to process and file with the court. You don’t even have to go to court, unless you want to. We’ll take care of everything and will promptly notify you of the court result. Just call us at 214-999-0595 to talk with one of our courteous staff members.
Traffic Tickets
Our Traffic Ticket Practice Details
We Serve DFW and Most of Texas
Traffic Ticket and Warrant Attorney
The High Stakes of “Just Paying”
Why You Need a Ticket Attorney
Texas Point System and Surcharges
Ticket Warrants
Dangerous Myths About Warrants
Warrant Roundups Like the Old West
The Great Texas Warrant Roundup
Warrant Roundups: It's a Thing
Suspension or Revocation Help
Driver License Suspension Hearing

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You need knowledgeable and skilled representation if you get a traffic ticket
Getting a traffic ticket impacts your for years: your driving record, insurance costs and potentially state surcharges. Don't simply pay the ticket. Instead, get a better outcome.