Summary of All Support Items
Shown below are the summaries of all published support items.
How To Login To
This is a 5:09 (m:ss) video showing how to log into the security-protected facet of the firm's website platform.
User Accounts Can Only Have One User with a Unique E-mail Address
In our system, each user is assumed to be a unique individual and will be given a unique User Account. Shared accounts for couples are not supported.
Our system use dynamic information provided by each user for certain interactive functions. All online forms will assume that the information submitted using that form should be linked to that unique User Account.
The unique-user-per-account assumption will cover every circumstance EXCEPT couples: more than one person in a household EACH doing business with us. We do NOT support shared User Accounts. Each member of a couple should set up their own unique User Account.
Each Unique User Only Needs One User Account
Every user only needs only one User Account. Couples still need one account per person (User Accounts and e-mail addresses can’t be shared), but each user only should have one User Account for all interactions with us.
Our technical platform uses a technology called “single sign on” wherein all portals and private facets can be accessed for one account by adding access privileges to multiple private facets to the one master User Account.
Check Your SPAM Filtering For Our E-Mail
With so much SPAM in the e-mail streams today, many consumer-grade e-mail services and products are getting very aggressive with their filtering.